Kill The Chaos: Four Organization Tips for Small Businesses

While chaos and clutter work for some people, most people are more productive in a clean and organized setting. If your small business, or office, is starting to look like a hurricane victim, you should probably take a day to organize your stuff. While the task may seem daunting, it is actually quite easy to accomplish.

If you don't know where to begin, do not worry. Here are four organizing tips for small businesses:

1. Organize the Paperwork

According to Forbes, the average executive and business owner spend nearly six weeks looking for paperwork each year. Time is money, and that is a lot of wasted time and money to be searching for important documents. Instead of spending weeks each year looking for the paperwork you need, organize it.

Consider storing your important documents in heavy-duty plastic storage bins. Just make sure you assign each bin to a specific type of paperwork. For example, contracts in one bin and inventory orders in another. You can also store documents by year or department in storage bins.

2. Eliminate Unnecessary Paperwork

The digital age was supposed to be a paperless one, yet piles and piles of paperwork are still present. If you need to keep track of receipts or other small documents, consider storing them electronically. There are many types of programs available to store all that data, including desktop software and mobile applications. Simply scan your receipt into the program and let it do the rest of the work. If you ever need it later, you can look it up in the program.

If you are worried about the IRS, don't be. The IRS now accepts electronic copies of receipts and other paperwork.

3. Label Like Crazy

If you are scattered brained and just can't find things, even when they are in their place, consider labeling everything. It may sound like overkill, but labels are very handy. They allow you to quickly scan storage containers for the item you need. They also help you stay organized, as you will know where to put specific items.

4. Go Digital

If you collaborate with employees or other people in your business, consider going digital. Instead of each person having copy of the roster, you can all share a single file in the cloud. Storing things digitally takes up less space, saves paper, and is far more efficient.

You can also use the cloud to store paperwork and documents; just scan the paper and upload it to the cloud.

If your office has gotten out of hand, use these tips to help rein in the chaos. Once you are organized, remember to file paperwork and clean your desk weekly.
